Category Archives: EO1110

EO1110 Update

The following is from an email to Senate Exec from incoming Faculty President Mary-Pat Stein and incoming Vice-President Michael Neubauer:

Michael and I were invited to a meeting on Wednesday afternoon with President
Harrison, Provost Li, AVP UGS Elizabeth Adams, Dean Jerry Stiner, Vice Provost Theodoulou, the chair of the math department Rabia Djellouli, Kate Stevenson and Jill Smith. At that meeting President Harrison invoked her executive authority to order the math department to offer curriculum in response to the demands of EO 1110. That curriculum was not approved by EPC. The chair of the math department and the dean of the college indicated that they would abide by the order. This may be the first time in CSUN’s history that curriculum will be offered that has not been approved by the appropriate faculty committee.

This is public information so share as you like.

mp and Michael

Update 24 April

Shortly after this post went up, President Harrison made an official announcement via email. Here’s her letter:

Dear Colleagues,

As many of you know, last fall the California State University issued several Executive Orders that direct certain curricular changes on CSU campuses. These Executive Orders have been criticized among many of our faculty who, through the CSUN Faculty Senate, voted not to participate in their implementation. I have directly expressed my own concerns to faculty and to CSU leadership about these Executive Orders.

Respecting the decision of our Faculty Senate not to voluntarily participate in implementing Executive Order 1110, and following an update meeting yesterday with the Dean of the College of Science and Math, the Chair of the Department of Mathematics, the Director of Developmental Mathematics and others, I want to report that I have directed the implementation of credit bearing courses in lieu of the remedial coursework in developmental math, as I am obligated by the CSU to do.

Please know that I support and value our Math faculty as well as faculty governance over curricular matters. Our Math Department colleagues have worked very hard to develop the curriculum needed within a very short time period despite concerns that some faculty have over this CSU requirement. As a state institution, we are legally required to comply with the directives of the Chancellor’s Office, the Board of Trustees of the California State University System, and with state legislation.

I have personally had many conversations over the course of many months within the CSU about these and other related Executive Orders. I respect and appreciate the concerns raised by some of our faculty in support of our students and have championed those voices. But in this case, and in support of the need to provide our students with credit bearing courses, we must now move forward as a campus.

Even though this is a painful transition for some, the skill and expertise of our faculty will be essential in developing the required courses for the fall. I assure you that together we will be assessing the impact of these changes and ensuring that we are doing everything we can for student success.

I wholeheartedly thank our entire CSUN faculty who are absolutely committed to the success and wellbeing of our students.


Dianne F. Harrison, Ph.D.
California State University, Northridge