Tag Archives: May revise

Governor’s May revise

Here’s a May 11th email from the Chancellor to presidents and trustees about the Governor’s May revision:

Governor Brown and his administration released the “May Revision” of their budget plan. Unfortunately, the budget proposal was reduced slightly from January’s proposal by $4 million (http://www.ebudget.ca.gov).

Nevertheless, this revision maintains a steady, incremental recovery of state funding for the CSU, and from that perspective we are grateful.

We have – and will continue – to discuss at length why greater investment to achieve the Board of Trustees’ budget request is necessary and critical for our ambitious initiative and California’s future. The CSU must – and is – maintaining our advocacy presence in Sacramento to urge the legislature and the governor to prioritize the state’s economic and societal future. In this regard, you will be engaged during the next trustees’ meeting in a discussion of the revision and our advocacy efforts.

I appreciate the continuing support of the CSU community writ large who are working for a strong future for the CSU and California. Particularly, my thanks to CSSA, the Academic Senate and bargaining unit leaders. I know that – together – we are making the strongest possible funding case in Sacramento.