Monthly Archives: April 2019

Measles Outbreak: Are You Protected?

Image: Ximena Mora //

By: Araceli Salcedo, CSUN Institute for Community Health and Wellbeing Volunteer

Vaccinations and immunizations are probably one of the best preventive measures one can take. They protect us from getting sick and contracting seriously contagious and sometimes deadly diseases, such as measles. The more people that get vaccinated, the less of a chance of contracting and spreading the disease.

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Helping Our Environment by Composting

Composting Image
Image: Lisa Fotios //

By: Araceli Salcedo, CSUN Institute for Community Health and Wellbeing Volunteer

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, nearly ⅓ of all food goes uneaten through loss or waste. Billions and billions of dollars are also being wasted as well as space in our landfills. Though we aren’t close to completely fixing the problem, there has been more sustainability efforts in today’s day and age. More people are being educated on ways to help our environment, for example by being introduced to composting, we can indeed help improve our environment and decrease food waste in our communities.

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Your Dimensions of Health and Wellness

Image of a happy person
Image: Tirachard Kumtanom //

By: Araceli Salcedo, CSUN Institute for Community Health and Wellbeing Volunteer

Did you know you have various dimensions of your health and wellness? There are multiple elements of health and wellness, yet many people just associate “wellness” with their physical health. Well, “wellness” is so much more than that. It includes your physical, social, emotional, spiritual, environmental, intellectual, occupational, and financial health and how all of those are all interconnected when it comes to being well. Being healthy in all aspects of the dimensions is vital to your own health and wellbeing. Striving for wellness, or ultimately progressing to a healthier life will only benefit you and your overall health.

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Image: Victor Freitas //

By: Sarah Hofstedt, CSUN Public Health Intern

Most US adults do not meet the current recommendations for resistance training, or weight lifting. The benefits of lifting weights and building muscle include improved bone density, increased strength of tendons and ligaments, and lower body fat. Despite this, only about 20% of women engage in resistance training. So what’s stopping them? Continue reading