Author Archives: ichwb

About ichwb

The Institute is a collaborative of campus and community members committed to enhancing the health and wellbeing of individuals, families, organizations and communities within Cal State Northridge’s service region. The primary mission of the Institute is to foster healthful living through community and campus partnerships.

Having a Safe Summer Fling // Hrvoje Grubisic

By: Sarah Hofstedt, CSUN Public Health Intern

Summer is almost here! For many college students that means a much-needed break filled with beach trips, outdoor movie nights, and making out with acquaintances at pool parties. Some people even get involved in flings, which are casual sexual and/or romantic relationships that typically last between one and four months.

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How to Exercise When You Have (almost) No Time

Lindsay Henwood //

How many times have you heard the recommendation that adults get 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week and felt that little twinge of guilt for not getting enough? I get it. You’re busy. We all are. And it can be so hard to justify going to the gym when we have so many other things to take care of. Don’t let that stop you from being active, though; here are some ideas to squeeze in exercise during breaks and downtime.

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20 Ways to De-stress After Finals Week // Ethan Robertson

By: Sarah Hofstedt, CSUN Public Health Intern

You are almost there. They are almost over. The end of the semester is glistening on the horizon, and you are poised to come out victorious. Finals week (and the week before it, when all your papers are due) can be extraordinarily stressful for college students. Here are 20 suggestions for releasing all of that tension you built up during the final moments of the semester.

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Measles Outbreak: Are You Protected?

Image: Ximena Mora //

By: Araceli Salcedo, CSUN Institute for Community Health and Wellbeing Volunteer

Vaccinations and immunizations are probably one of the best preventive measures one can take. They protect us from getting sick and contracting seriously contagious and sometimes deadly diseases, such as measles. The more people that get vaccinated, the less of a chance of contracting and spreading the disease.

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