Category Archives: Holidays

Keeping the New Year’s Resolution All Year Round

Written by Trisha Patel, CSUN Dietetic Intern

The holidays have officially ended and with that comes a bounty of New Year’s resolutions. Every year millions of Americans set forth with a long list of New Year’s resolutions that they hope to keep. The most popular on the list revolve around getting healthy and fit throughout the new year. The popularity of nutrition, health and overall wellness resolutions increase every year, with more and more products and plans plastered across the internet in the hopes of helping Americans maintain their goals. With all the assistance provided, countless Americans decide to “give up” on their goals by the time March rolls around. Continue reading

Food Traditions for Christmas and New Year

Written by Karina N. Almanza, CSUN Dietetic Intern

Los Angeles is a beautiful melting pot of different cultures, upbringings, beliefs and backgrounds. At CSUN, we take great pride in the diversity of cultures within our community. While there are several benefits to having many different cultures live within one community, the most delicious benefit is the variety of foods available in Los Angeles as a result of so many cultures being homed in one area. To better appreciate the diversity of cultures, I wanted to take you on a trip to different regions around world to see what foods are traditionally served during the holiday seasons. Continue reading

Staying Healthy Over the Holidays

Written by Trisha Patel, CSUN Dietetic Intern

The holidays are rapidly approaching and with that comes fun, family, food and the traditional layer of “warmth” we begin to carry throughout the winter. This year, why not try something new. Instead of living in fear of the upcoming festivities, let’s enjoy every minute of them while making smart and healthy decisions, without missing out on any of the holiday fun!  With these quick and easy tips and tricks you will not only be able to make healthy decisions, but also pack in the same amount of fun and memories, if not more!

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