Category Archives: Vitamins and Minerals

Magnesium and Migraines: Potential Solution to a Prevalent Problem 

Women rubbing her temples in pain.

By: Fernando Gonzalez, CSUN Dietetic Intern Cohort 2021-2023 

The prevalence of self-reported migraines and headaches in the US population is a significant issue, affecting approximately one-sixth of the American populace, with a notably higher incidence among females.1 Migraines are a type of intense headache that can elicit a sensation of throbbing or pulsating pain in the cranial region.2 Migraine episodes have the potential to continue for extended periods, spanning several hours to multiple days, and the associated discomfort can be severe, impeding routine activities.2 Despite the absence of a definitive cure for migraines, a considerable number of individuals afflicted with this condition have turned their attention towards alternative therapies and modifications to their way of life, which have been shown to mitigate the frequency and intensity of episodes and associated symptoms. Some affected individuals have considered supplementation, aromatherapy, the use of oils, and even workout programs such as yoga. However, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between quack treatments and evidence-based treatments. Magnesium supplements are a popular supplement option among those with migraines.  With the many studies available on magnesium supplements and migraines, it may be possible to determine whether magnesium supplementation is a reliable home treatment for migraines. 

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Dandelion Greens: An Urban Delicacy

By: Jason Garvin, CSUN Dietetic Intern

Image: Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock

Move over kale, there’s a new powerhouse green in town! Kale has long been the go-to leafy green for healthy eaters, but research shows that the dandelion plant (taraxacum officinale) may pack equal amounts of nutrients.1 The sustainability and weed-like disposition of the dandelion is what makes it an intriguing option as a food source. The dandelion plant grows easily in many climates and can readily be found in urban settings.2 This is no ordinary weed though, nutrient density testing shows high levels of B vitamins, vitamin C, magnesium, zinc, carotenoids, and xanthophylls.1,3 Some other greens still pack more nutrient density than the dandelion, but those plants may not grow with the same ease and likely cannot be harvested from the confines of your front yard!

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The Sweet Facts About Sweet Potatoes

By: Talia Bondelli, DTR

Raw Sweet Potato on a Wooden Table
Image: Africa Studio/Shutterstock

What does it mean to eat the rainbow? Eating the rainbow signifies eating a variety of fruits and vegetables.1 All of the colors of fruits and vegetables have different health benefits that may reduce your risk of diseases.Sweet potatoes have a deep orange color, which is the pigment called beta-carotene.3 They are very nutritious and they are also fat free, which means they also have no saturated fat or trans-fat.4 Furthermore, they are low in calories and sodium, with about 100 calories and 70 milligrams of sodium for one medium sweet potato.4 Sweet potatoes can definitely sweeten up your life, and in a healthy way!

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The Sunshine Vitamin

Foods with Vitamin D

Image: Photka/ShutterStock

By: Rise Morisato, CSUN Dietetic Intern

Vitamin D, often called the sunshine vitamin, is an essential fat-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in keeping our bones healthy. If you live in an area with sun exposure all year, such as sunny California, a vitamin D deficiency may be one of the last things on your mind. However, studies have shown that vitamin D deficiencies are a public health problem, even in traditionally sunny areas.1 Continue reading