Tag Archives: Honey

Bee A Matador Honey

By: Samy Elcott, CSUN Dietetic Intern

Image: Kosolovskyy/Shutterstock

Every morning, as the glistening sun shines over the marvelous campus, CSUN’s garden called The Orange Grove glows brilliantly to passersby, exhibiting over 60 years of deep rooted history of agriculture, research and recreation.1 The reflection of neighboring plants radiates from the CSUN pond, which is a sanctuary for ducks, turtles, fish and other sociable insects. The orange trees tower from above, proudly displaying its fruits which can be seen growing from mid-Fall to late-spring semesters.

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Heal me Honey!

By Steven Surico, BS, CSUN Dietetic Intern

Honey is a natural product formed from the nectar of flowers by honeybees. It has widely been used for its therapeutic effect as well as nutritional purposes. It is primarily fructose and glucose, but also contains many amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. Within the estimated 200 different substances that make up honey, they work together to create a synergistic antioxidant effect.1 Continue reading