Category Archives: High Fiber

Chia Seeds: What Is The Hype About?   

Wooden spoon scooping chia seeds out of a bowl with chia

By: Aylin Lopez, CSUN Dietetic Intern Cohort 2022-2023 

From puddings to crackers to jams, chia seeds are a versatile food that can be used in a variety of different ways due to their mild, nutty flavor. In case you’re unfamiliar with chia, they are gritty and crunchy seeds that taste like poppy seeds and form a gel consistency when soaked in liquid. Chia, also known as Salvia hispanica L., is an herbaceous plant and a species from the Lamiaceae family, which is native to northern Guatemala and southern Mexico.1 Chia can be found in the form of whole seeds, powder, mucilage, and oil. Chia seeds are widely recognized for their excellent nutrient composition and health benefits. While most individuals can benefit from the consumption of chia seeds, they are specifically recommended by nutrition experts to those with constipation and high cholesterol.  

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Whole Grains: Your Superhero

heart in grains

Image: Inha Makeyeva/Shutterstock

By: Sonia Ramirez-Rivera, BS, CSUN Dietetic Intern

As everyone has heard that famous saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” this can truly be said for consuming whole grains. Whole grains are very important to include in your daily life. If you were to go to the store, would you be able to point out a whole grain? As easy as that may sound, not many people know what whole grains are, how to identify them, and the health benefits they provide. Continue reading

Flaxseeds: A Nutrient Dense Superfood!

By Laleh Bral, CSUN Dietetic Intern

Flaxseeds are one of the oldest cultivated crops known to man – consumed 5,000 years ago in ancient Babylon and a favorite food of King Charlemagne in the 8th century. Flaxseeds are small, tan, brown or golden-colored seeds and are also known as linseeds. This tiny seed packs a big nutritional punch!

Flaxseeds are rich in omega-3 essential fatty acids, fiber (both soluble and insoluble), potassium and magnesium. They are also a good source of zinc, protein and B vitamins. Flaxseeds are low in calorie and saturated fats, and are cholesterol-free. One hundred grams of ground flaxseed supply approximately 450 kilocalories, 28 grams of fiber, 41 grams of fat and 20 grams of protein.1 Continue reading

Chickpeas and Hummus

By Steven Surico, BS, CSUN Dietetic Intern

Chickpeas belong to the legume family, which includes a variety of beans, peanuts, soybeans, and lentils, but are sometimes referred to as “pulses.”  Legumes are known to be an excellent dietary source of protein, carbohydrates, and fiber. Chickpeas are a good source of important vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, folate, and vitamin A precursor B-carotene1. Traditional hummus is a nutrient-dense dip or spread made from cooked, mashed chickpeas, blended with tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, and spices. To ensure you are getting a nutrient dense hummus, make it yourself with the ingredients listed above! Continue reading

Beans, Beans the Musical Fruit!

By: Tiffany Eng, M.S., CSUN Dietetic Intern

“Beans, beans the musical fruit. The more you eat, the more you toot!”

The “tooting” maybe why most people try to avoid beans. Consuming beans may produce gas due to the fermentation of specific sugar molecules, called oligosaccharides, in the large intestine.1 While beans may not be the most attractive, this budget-wise food is low in energy density and rich in nutrients. Continue reading

Breakfast Benefits

By Alejandra Perez, CSUN Dietetic Intern

Imagine sitting at work or in your first class of the day. It is early in the morning and you are still somewhat sleepy. All you can think of right now is how much you miss your bed. Suddenly, another thought pops into your head. The student (or co-worker) next to you is eating a breakfast wrap that smells really good. Your gut lets out a loud growl. Today, like other days, you skipped breakfast because you were rushing. As the clock ticks, you get hungrier and hungrier. Only 2 more hours until you have a break and you can go eat something! Continue reading

Meatless Mondays

Written by Elizabeth Kaoh, M.A., CSUN Dietetic Intern

There are a plethora of health and cost benefits in switching up a few of your meals throughout the week to vegetarian dishes. Common misconceptions of vegetarian meals are that it limits you to the monotonous salad for lunch, or that going plant-based means you won’t get adequate protein. Vegetarian dishes can be hearty, delicious, and creative! Plant protein also packs a solid nutritious punch, packing in a number of essential vitamins and minerals as well as fiber and protein. Continue reading

Tis’ The Season (Apple Season)!

Written by Elizabeth Kaoh, M.A., CSUN Dietetic Intern

For some of us fall means changing leaves and bringing out the warm boots. For others, the abundance of seasonal fruits like apples at farmer’s markets highlights the same thing, fall has arrived! Thanks to summer’s warm and sunny weather we can expect the sweetest apple crops in the markets. There are over 2,500 varieties of apples grown in just the United States alone and over 7,500 varieties grown around the world. Continue reading