Tag Archives: Meatless Monday

Living Healthy on a Vegetarian Diet

By Caroline Pak, DTR, CSUN Dietetic Intern

Image: Lisovskaya Natalia/Shutterstock

Individuals choose to adopt a vegetarian diet due to environmental interests, animal rights, or health concerns. Whatever the reason, vegetarians should be aware of how to customize their meals to meet their nutrient needs.

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Meatless Mondays

Written by Elizabeth Kaoh, M.A., CSUN Dietetic Intern

There are a plethora of health and cost benefits in switching up a few of your meals throughout the week to vegetarian dishes. Common misconceptions of vegetarian meals are that it limits you to the monotonous salad for lunch, or that going plant-based means you won’t get adequate protein. Vegetarian dishes can be hearty, delicious, and creative! Plant protein also packs a solid nutritious punch, packing in a number of essential vitamins and minerals as well as fiber and protein. Continue reading