Tag Archives: Diabetes

Thrive with Diabetes

By: Sophia Villicana, CSUN Dietetic Intern

Image: Kateryna Novikova/Shutterstock

What if I said, if you learn how to self-manage your diabetes you reduce your risk of further complications? Living with type 2 diabetes can be challenging when you are on your own, but with further education and support it can be adapted into your lifestyle. “About 30.3 million people in the United States have diabetes and 114 million are at risk for developing the devastating complications.”1 Reduce the chance of being one of those 114 million people by learning about diabetes and how to cope with it. After being diagnosed with diabetes an educator comes in and briefly teaches you about foods you cannot eat, how to monitor your blood glucose, and then they are out the door. Does this sound familiar? Having in-depth education is essential when being diagnosed with diabetes or any other disease since it does require self-care.

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Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes

By: Bryan Rosales, CSUN Dietetic Intern

Image: goffkein.pro/Shutterstock

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), over eighty-four million Americans are currently diagnosed with prediabetes. That is 1 out of every 3 adults, and from those 84 million, 9 out of 10 have no clue that they have it. This occurs due to prediabetes, in general, not having signs or symptoms. If the individual does not improve their lifestyle habits, they run the risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) within 5 years of being diagnosed as a prediabetic. Being prediabetic means that your blood glucose (sugar) level is higher than normal, but not yet high enough to be considered T2D, and if properly managed, could be reversed back to a normal range. Consequently, once an individual has reached a diagnosis of T2D, they are required to purchase the necessary medication that was an estimated $7,900 per person in the year of 2012.1

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Stevia: The Zero-Calorie Natural Sweetener

By: Mariah Haroon, CSUN Dietetic Intern

Image: TatianaMishina/Shutterstock

Keeping caloric intake balanced and blood sugar levels steady are part of a diabetic individual’s daily routine. Diabetes affects about 30.3 million people in the United States.1 That is 9.4% of the US population.1 As the number of products containing artificial sugar substitutes flood the markets, Stevia enjoys its own niche as a zero-calorie natural sugar substitute. It is extracted and purified from a plant called Stevia rebaudiana.2 This plant is native to South America.2 The leaves of this plant contain a substance called steviol glycoside. According to FDA, the highly purified and safe form of stevia should contain ≥95% of pure steviol glycoside.3 FDA granted stevia the GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) status in 2008, as long as it is sold in its highly purified form.4 This form is called rebiana and is sold under brand names such as Truvia®, PureVia® and Enliten®3. It is used as a sugar substitute and as an ingredient in packaged foods.

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