Author Archives: Marilyn Magaram Center, Registered Dietitian

What’s The Scoop On Gluten?

Bread Gluten

Image: Margouillat Photo/Shutterstock

By Maddie Hoeks, BS, CSUN Dietetic Intern

Gluten has become a very popular topic in the past couple of years, and has had quite an impact on diet culture in the United States. As of 2015, gluten free versions of foods have made around $1.6 billion in the market.1 Interestingly, the majority of these consumers were individuals who were not required to be on a gluten free diet for medical reasons.1 A market research study estimated that 30% of Americans either eliminated or reduced gluten from their diet.2 Though it is no question that gluten free products are highly valued and being sought after, what is of question is the consumer’s knowledge of what exactly gluten is, and what the gluten free diet is capable of, even more so, what it is not capable of. Continue reading

Protein Timing and Muscle Growth

Image: Seasontime/Shutterstock

By: Sophia A. Lopez, DTR, CSUN Dietetic Intern

The fitness world has blown up through social media. You can now easily access and follow any insta-famous trainer to learn their techniques on staying healthy within the realms of exercise and nutrition. However, it is difficult to know if the fitness celebrities you follow have enough experience to give appropriate fitness advice. Whether you associate yourself as an athlete, bodybuilder, powerlifter, crossfitter, or just a regular gym-goer, the mission for workout advice is generally the same: get stronger and stay in shape. Continue reading

What’s With All the Protein Powder Hype?

nutrition experts protein powder

Image: Room 76/Shutterstock

By: Joey Gerardi, M.S. in Human Nutrition Candidate, CSUN Dietetic Intern

I began my journey in fitness and nutrition over ten years ago when my father started bringing me with him to the gym. Although I have grown up an athlete, mostly playing soccer and baseball throughout my childhood, weightlifting brought a new joy and challenge to my life that I had never before experienced. I have realized throughout the years that the food and nutrients I put into my body are just as, if not more important than the work I put in at the gym. Utilizing protein in my diet has served as an extremely beneficial tool in assisting me to in achieve my health and fitness goals through these past ten years. Continue reading

Heart Health for Life

Heart Shaped Bowl

Image: udra11/shutterstock

By Sonia Ramirez-Rivera, BS, CSUN Dietetic Intern

As any doctor will tell you, taking care of your health is one of the most important things you can do in life. Eating well, exercise, and drinking plenty of water are all needed for health. What about taking of your heart? Not in an “achy breaky heart” as Billy Ray Cyrus may say when you heart is broken from you long lasting love, but in general taking care of your heart health. Continue reading

Foods for Brain Health

Brain shaped with fresh vegetables

Image: TijanaM/Shutterstock

By: Griseida Ruiz, DTR, CSUN Dietetic Intern

Our brain is one of the hardest working organs in our body. It is “on” every moment of the day, taking care of our thoughts, movements, breathing, and heartbeat. Until recently, it was believed that food could not influence the brain structure and its cognitive, intellectual and mental functions.1 However, new research has proven otherwise. While we experience a noticeable decline in our brain function with age, there is a lot we can do to prevent disease, protect it from oxidative damage and hinder the premature aging process. In the United States, Alzheimer’s disease is the 6th leading cause of death with over 5.7 million Americans living with it and that number expected to increase to 14 million by the year 2050.2 These statistics are alarming and although the amounts do not look promising, we each have the ability to do something to improve them. Eating foods high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants will ensure we do just that! Continue reading

Ginger: Why you should be consuming this root every day!

Fresh Ginger slices

Image: Barmalini/Shutterstock

By Joey Gerardi, CSUN Dietetic Intern, M.S. in Human Nutrition Candidate

Do you ever go to sushi restaurants and the first items they offer you are wasabi and ginger? The reason sushi restaurants give you ginger is because of its strong flavor, which cleanses your palate in between courses! This allows you to fully enjoy the flavors of each piece of sushi you are served. What the sushi chefs don’t tell you is that there are all kinds of health benefits from ginger! Continue reading

Whole Grains: Your Superhero

heart in grains

Image: Inha Makeyeva/Shutterstock

By: Sonia Ramirez-Rivera, BS, CSUN Dietetic Intern

As everyone has heard that famous saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” this can truly be said for consuming whole grains. Whole grains are very important to include in your daily life. If you were to go to the store, would you be able to point out a whole grain? As easy as that may sound, not many people know what whole grains are, how to identify them, and the health benefits they provide. Continue reading

The Sunshine Vitamin

Foods with Vitamin D

Image: Photka/ShutterStock

By: Rise Morisato, CSUN Dietetic Intern

Vitamin D, often called the sunshine vitamin, is an essential fat-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in keeping our bones healthy. If you live in an area with sun exposure all year, such as sunny California, a vitamin D deficiency may be one of the last things on your mind. However, studies have shown that vitamin D deficiencies are a public health problem, even in traditionally sunny areas.1 Continue reading

Stretch Your Food Dollars

Image: Neonbrand/Unsplash

By: Mariah Haroon, CSUN Dietetic Intern

If you find yourself struggling with your food budget, ask yourself these questions: How many times have I opened my refrigerator to restock groceries only to find out that I had more than enough groceries to last me for a week? Am I actually checking the food for signs of it going bad before throwing it away? Am I taking full advantage of all the money saving resources that are out there for groceries? If your answers lead you to believe that you can use some help in saving money on food, here are a few tips for you. Continue reading