Tag Archives: Low Sodium

Debunking MSG

Photo of instant ramen and monosodium gllutamate

By: Katherine Lee, CSUN Dietetic Intern Cohort 2021-2023

Monosodium glutamate, or MSG, is something we have all heard of and have probably consumed in a soup or snack. Unfortunately, more often than not, the mention of this mysterious additive elicits fear and health concerns. But do we even know why? Do we even know where MSG comes from? We’re here to debunk a couple of common myths surrounding MSG and to solve this mystery about what MSG really is. 

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10 Tips to Reduce Sodium When Eating on Campus

table salt

Image: Congerdesign/Pixabay

By Laura Ann Horwitz, CSUN DPD* Student

This is the second of a four part series of articles on Sodium. Eating foods with too much sodium can contribute to high blood pressure, which often leads to stroke, heart attack, and other chronic diseases1. In our last blog article, we reviewed 10 high sodium foods most Americans eat on a regular basis. Here are 10 ways you can cut down on sodium when you are eating on campus (or eating away from home). Continue reading

10 Foods that Contribute to a High Sodium Diet

Nutrition Experts blog logo with salted pretzels


By Laura Ann Horwitz, CSUN DPD* Student

This is the first of a four part series of articles on Sodium, one of the essential micronutrients needed by our body for proper functioning and development.1  Why should you care about how much sodium is in your diet?  Consuming too much sodium increases your risk of high blood pressure, putting you in danger of experiencing heart disease or having a heart attack or stroke.1 Recommended daily guidelines of sodium consumption for Americans are less than 2,300 milligrams (mg) every day.2  Each of the articles in this series will focus on different aspects of sodium in your diet, and how making small, healthy changes in the amounts you consume will improve your overall health. Continue reading