Tag Archives: nutrition

Gut Health and Your Cycle

Image of women with hands over pelvic area

By: Alexa Fancett, CSUN Dietetic Intern Cohort 2022-2023 

Why Is It Important to Focus on Gut Health? 

Just like your fingerprint, your gut microbiome can identify you. The gut is composed of millions of bacteria, from the mouth all the way down to the colon. Many pathways that occur to break down food are conducted by these organisms. This means that the foods that we eat are only partially broken down by our own bodies and the bacteria carry out the rest of the processes. The gut metagenome (complete collection or set of genetic material from multiple organisms) has a higher coding capacity than the human genome (an individual set of genetic material or DNA)!1 The gut microbiota is considered to be a metabolic organ because of its high potential to break down food and provide energy to the body.  

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Debunking MSG

Photo of instant ramen and monosodium gllutamate

By: Katherine Lee, CSUN Dietetic Intern Cohort 2021-2023

Monosodium glutamate, or MSG, is something we have all heard of and have probably consumed in a soup or snack. Unfortunately, more often than not, the mention of this mysterious additive elicits fear and health concerns. But do we even know why? Do we even know where MSG comes from? We’re here to debunk a couple of common myths surrounding MSG and to solve this mystery about what MSG really is. 

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Grapefruit & Drugs: The Interaction To Avoid  

By: Carlos Alaniz, CSUN Dietetic Intern Cohort 2021-2023

The fourth-most often cultivated citrus species in the world is grapefruit; with oranges, tangerines, and lemons being the first three in that order.1 The grapefruit, which is a cross between a sweet orange and a pomelo, is remarkable for the variety of nutrients it has to offer.2 Although grapefruits have therapeutic benefits due to their high nutritional content, they also contain certain components that may interact negatively with medications. 

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The Magic of Mushroom Coffee

By Noelle Gozzarelli, CSUN Dietetic Intern Cohort 2020-2021

I will be the first to admit – I may have a somewhat unhealthy obsession with my daily cup of coffee. As soon as I open my eyes in the morning, I have this excitement brewing inside (no pun intended) because I am looking forward to the aroma of ground coffee and the taste of my favorite frothy milk. My morning and afternoon cups of coffee give me just the right amount of energy I need to get going and to continue going for the workday ahead.  

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Stressed? Anxious? Food and Exercise Can Help

By: Lauren Zech, CSUN Dietetic Intern Cohort 2020-2021

You have probably heard the saying “mind over matter”. It basically means that if you are in the right mindset, you can overcome anything. But what happens when your mind is scrambled? What if you are swamped with assignments and have to study for exams while balancing work with your personal life. What is you have an upcoming interview that you are extremely nervous for? When you are stressed or anxious, your mind can lose its capability to think clearly and make decisions. If this occurs repeatedly, you can be left feeling down and lost. However, there may be a simple fix to this problem. The fix is so simple that you already include it in your daily routine. That’s right! Certain foods and exercise can help combat stress and anxiety. Let me explain how.  

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Diet and Recipe Analysis

By: Karim Damji, CSUN Dietetic Intern

Image: VICUSCHKA/Shutterstock

If you are considering changing your diet, it is important to get a clear picture of what your current diet looks like. However, this can be quite a challenging task. Try this challenge: list every single item and portion you consumed yesterday. That includes the bite sized candy in the afternoon, the teaspoon of sugar you added in your coffee, and the two slices of cheddar cheese in your sandwich. Relying on memory may not give you an accurate picture of your diet. This is why food diaries are ideal; they take memory out of the equation. Even better, 3-day recalls allow individuals to be able to record 2 weekdays, and a weekend, representing a complete picture of their diet. Additionally, 3-day recalls have been shown to be a more accurate picture of diet than a traditional food frequency questionnaire1.

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Nutrition Counseling with a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN)

By: Evangeline (Minying) Li, CSUN Dietetic Intern

Image: LanaSweet/Shutterstock

Diet plays an essential role in chronic disease prevention and management. Nutrition counseling can help individuals meet their health goals and improve conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension.1 The Marilyn Magaram Center (MMC) offers a variety of products and services to promote health and nutrition. Today, we are going to explore one of the most popular services at the MMC – Nutrition Counseling. 

Nutrition Counseling is a personalized one-on-one counseling session with a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN). RDNs are health professionals that are knowledgeable in nutritional science, medical nutrition therapy and food science.2 

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Small Changes Add Up to Big Achievements

By: Nadia Bedrosian, CSUN Dietetic Intern

Image: Brian A Jackson/Shutterstock

You’ve seen it before, friends and family doting themselves to a new routine at the start of the new year, month, or on a Monday. They say, “Tomorrow is a new day, I will start then.” Whether it’s a fitness routine or a nutrition routine most people jump in head first with an all or nothing mindset. If making drastic changes was easy, there wouldn’t be such a market for gimmicky weight loss plans.

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A Look Inside the Shell

By Eirenel G. Eclevia B.S.

Image: MasAnyanka/Shutterstock

Ever since I was old enough to help my mom cook in the kitchen I was in charge of either cracking eggs in a bowl or separating the egg yolk from the egg whites. Eggs are common in our household and we always have dozens of them stocked in our refrigerator. Stigma regarding egg consumption continues to linger as medical literature has presented conflicting data related to eggs, risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), and high cholesterol. 

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